
Our History

FAN (Finpolar Academic Network ) is a working group (WG) under Finpolar Association (finpolar.fi). Although we are a working group established in 2019, the history of the organization we are affiliated with dates back to 2005. However, since there is almost no one from the team that established FinPolar, the continuation of this organization is continued by those who came to Finland after 2016. 

Who We Are

The team that established this working group and continues its activities has undertaken this work on a completely voluntary basis. The bulk of the current members studied/worked in Turkish universities with different positions until they were forced to leave their country.

Our Goals

Our first goal aims to create a space for people who want to continue their academic studies in Finland. It is an obvious fact that the structure and the system of universities in Finland are completely different when compared to Turkey. Despite all the differences, we want to offer newcomers a platform where they can feel like they belong. Thus, we want to create a space where we can share information we have and support each other. We are aware that our current members mainly come from the same community, but we hope that over time, researchers from different

backgrounds will join us and we will work in harmony by embracing our differences rather than ignoring our differences.

Secondly, since we are still experiencing the same difficulties, we aim to create projects that will facilitate the integration process for newly arrived immigrants and refugees in Finland. In order to achieve this goal, we organize activities to support members’ language learning and especially to help people gain the self-confidence of using the language they have learned. In this regard, our activities for learning both Finnish and English continue.

Our Values

  • respect to rule of law
  • respect to all living things
  • against to all stereotypes, taboos and prejudice
  • support the diversity and multiculturalism